Upcoming Meetings

09/20/2024 | Board Meeting
Start Date/Time: 09/20/2024 12:00 PM
End Date/Time: 09/20/2024 03:00 PM
Time Zone: Central Standard Time
Description: Video Conference
Location: The public is invited to attend the meeting via Microsoft Teams at the following link below. If members of the public would like to be sent the Microsoft Teams invitation to the meeting instead of using the above link, please contact the Board office prio
DescriptionFile TypeUpload Date
Agenda Agenda8/15/2024 4:23:47 PM
Meeting Materials Document8/15/2024 4:24:05 PM
Links: Audio Files*:
There are no audio files for this meeting.

Archived Meetings

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03/01/2024 | Board Meeting
Start Date/Time: 03/01/2024 12:00 PM
End Date/Time: 03/01/2024 03:00 PM
Time Zone: Central Standard Time
Description: Video Conference
Location: The public is invited to attend the meeting via Microsoft Teams at the following link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MTQ5Y2VkZDEtOTczNy00M2I2LWFlMDQtM2NjMmE4OTMxNmIw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e69efb98-56ef-4797-a76b-
DescriptionFile TypeUpload Date
Agenda and Meeting Materials Agenda2/9/2024 4:09:28 PM
Draft Agenda Agenda2/9/2024 4:09:12 PM
Draft Minutes Minutes3/1/2024 3:57:13 PM
Links: Audio Files*:
There are no audio files for this meeting.

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* Please be aware larger audio files will take a couple minutes or longer to load depending on your internet connection.