Board Information
Chapter 41-2 of the South Dakota Codified Laws
Manages state park system, establishes hunting seasons, and promotes and protects wildlife.
Administered under the Department of Game, Fish, and Parks. Commission retains quasi-judicial,
quasi-legislative, advisory, non-administrative, and special budgetary functions
Eight members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. No more than four from the
same political party.
Not less than four shall be farmers actually residing on a farm, engaged in agriculture, deriving at least
two-thirds of their gross annual incomes from crop or livestock production or both, and interested in
wildlife conservation.
Two members shall have terms expiring each year and the terms shall rotate between the Republican
and Democratic Parties.
Not less than three commissioners shall reside west of the Missouri River and not less than five shall
reside east of the Missouri River.
The expiration of terms shall occur on the tenth day of January of each year, and all required
appointments may be made by the first day of March thereof, and shall be so made as to fill all
vacancies on such commission arising either by expiration of term or from any other cause. No person
shall serve on said commission for more than eight years, except that where his first appointment is for
two years he may be reappointed thereafter for an additional two four-year terms.
Term of Appointment:
Four Years expiring January 10 of each year
Are Members Allowed to Call into Meetings:
Contact Info:
The Game, Fish and Parks Department can be reached at 605.223.7660.
For information about the Commission’s Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy, please visit the “Annual Financials and Audits” tab.
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to provide sustainable outdoor recreational opportunities through responsible management of our state's parks, fisheries and wildlife by fostering partnerships, cultivating stewardship and safely connecting people with the outdoors.