Board Information
Chapter 36-28 of the South Dakota Codified Laws
Examine and license nursing facility administrators. Establish qualification for nursing home
Department of Health
The board consists of five members. The members of the board shall be appointed by the Governor and
shall include four members who are licensed nursing facility administrators who are actively practicing
in South Dakota and one member of the general public who is not an administrator or employee of a
nursing facility and who has no direct financial interest in a nursing facility.
Term of Appointment:
The terms of all members are to be three years beginning on October 31st of the calendar year. No member may serve more than three consecutive full terms.
Frequency of Meetings:
2 meetings per year
Are Members Allowed to Call into Meetings:
Contact Info:
Brittany Novotny, Executive Secretary
1351 N. Harrison Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Mission Statement:
The mission of the South Dakota Board of Nursing Facility Administrators is to enforce updated statutes and rules promulgated to regulate the mandatory licensing for Nursing Facility Administrators, and to monitor the mandatory continuing education for licensure renewal.