Board Information
Chapter 1-50 of the South Dakota Codified Laws
Assist with local emergency planning committee plan development and review local plans for
Review local plans to determine the level of threat from an accidental release of dangerous chemicals
and the local capability to adequately respond to those releases;
Prepare recommendations for action to be taken to develop and coordinate emergency response
capabilities, including the feasibility of regional emergency response;
Evaluate various options and prepare a recommendation concerning funding based on user fees to
support on-going emergency planning activities and incident response preparedness;
Develop a recommendation for a future state emergency response commission structure.
Designate local emergency planning districts and supervise and coordinate the activities of the local
emergency planning committees; and,
Coordinate and implement federal grants for training of local emergency planning committees and
public sector employees.
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Ten Members:
1. Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources;
2. Secretary of the Department of Transportation;
3. Director of the Division of Emergency and Disaster Services
4. Secretary of the Department of Public Safety or their designees
5. Six members appointed by the Governor:
a. One person shall be a member of the chemical industry;
b. One personal shall be an elected or appointed member of a political subdivision;
c. One person actively engaged in an agricultural business;
d. One person shall be a health care professional;
e. One person shall be a member of a fire department; and,
f. One person shall be a member of a local emergency planning committee.
Term of Appointment:
Pleasure of the Governor
Frequency of Meetings:
Are Members Allowed to Call into Meetings:
Contact Info:
Kelsey Newling (605) 773-3296