Board Information
Chapter 34-45-18 of the South Dakota Codified Laws
To set minimum standards for operation of public safety answering points, determine criteria for
reimbursement for nonrecurring costs and the amount of reimbursement, and oversee the coordination
of 911 services within the state. The Board will report annually to the Governor and the Legislature
about the operations and findings of the board and any recommendations for changes to 911 service in
the state.
Department of Public Safety
11 members appointed by the Governor - representatives from the following groups:
1) One – South Dakota Chapter of the Association of Public Safety Communication Officials
2) One - Dakota Chapter of the National Emergency Number
3) Two – South Dakota service providers-telecommunications
4) One – Employee of the South Dakota Department of Public Safety
5) Two – South Dakota Association of County Commissioners
6) Two – South Dakota Municipal League
7) One – South Dakota Police Chiefs Association
8) One - South Dakota Sheriffs Association
Term of Appointment:
Three-year staggered terms, initial appointments shall be for staggered terms.
Frequency of Meetings:
Quarterly or as needed
Are Members Allowed to Call into Meetings:
Contact Info: