Board Information

Chapter 38-7 of the South Dakota Codified Laws
Advises and assists conservation districts, reviews appeals of soil and water compatibility, and makes recommendations on the administration of conservation laws.
Administered under the direction and supervision of the Division of Conservation of the Department of Agriculture
Nine members appointed by the Governor: 1. One member from a list of three names recommended by the South Dakota Municipal League; 2. One member from a list recommended by the Directors of the Water Development Districts; 3. Two members engaged in the tree industry; 4. Three farmer members, one from each of the designated areas; and 5. One farmer member at large; and 6. One member at large (not specified in 38-7-4. No more than five from the same political party. All farmer members shall be, or shall have been supervisors of conservation districts. The Governor shall appoint all farmer members from a list of names of qualified persons submitted to him by the State Association of Conservation Districts. Members shall take office on the first day of January of the year following their appointment and all such appointments shall be made on or before the first day of December.
Term of Appointment:
No term limit.

Frequency of Meetings:
The State Conservation Commissions meets bi-monthly.

Are Members Allowed to Call into Meetings:

Contact Info:

Mission Statement: