Board Information
Chapter 1-15 of the South Dakota Codified Laws
Assist the Department of Corrections in examining criminal justice issues and developing initiatives to
address problems in corrections and the criminal justice system. In addition, no funds, other than those
for normal operating costs and replacement of existing necessary equipment may be expended from the
prison industries revolving fund for the purposes of enhancement, development, or expansion of prison
industries without approval of the commission.
Department of Corrections
Nine members.
Three members appointed by the Governor. The Governor shall appoint:
1. One member from a list of three nominees provided by the Industry and Commerce
Association of South Dakota;
2. One member from a list of three nominees provided by the South Dakota Retailers
Association; and,
3. One member representing labor.
Two senators, one from each political party, appointed by the respective political party caucus
Two representatives, one from each political party, appointed by the respective political party caucus
leader; and,
Two members appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Term of Appointment:
Pleasure of the appointing authority.
Are Members Allowed to Call into Meetings:
Contact Info:
South Dakota Department of Corrections