Board Information

Executive Order 2023-11
The Commission shall plan, encourage, develop, coordinate and promote observances and activities to be held in South Dakota in commemoration of the 250th anniversary of our nation's beginning, in celebration of our present, and in anticipation of our promising future. The Commission shall coordinate, review, and promote programs and activities throughout the state relating to the Declaration of Independence, the founding era, and the the "pursuit of happiness" in order to deepen the knowledge and understanding of this formative period of American history and how it has shaped and continues to shape who we are as a people, a state, and a nation.
South Dakota State Historical Society
The Governor may appoint as many members as the Governor deems necessary to carry out the directive of the Commission, to include: 1) Cabinet Secretaries, or their designees, 2) Director of the State Historical Society, serving as chairperson, 3) the State Librarian, 4) representative(s) from the Board of Regents, 5) representative(s) of the Historical Society Foundation, 6) members appointed by the Governor representing the geographic and cultural diversity of the State 7) representative(s) and senator(s) of the state legislature, representative(s) of local history organizations, and any other interested representative(s) the Governor deems necessary The Commission shall appoint a Tribal Advisory Subcommittee and invite representatives from all nine federally recognized tribes within the State of South Dakota to coordinate educational opportunities, activities, and events with the Commission.
Term of Appointment:
All members serve at the pleasure of the Governor. In the event of vacancies, appointments shall be made by the Governor.

Frequency of Meetings:
The Commission shall meet as often as needed, at the discretion of the Chair

Are Members Allowed to Call into Meetings:

Contact Info:

Mission Statement: